The 141st Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Hiroshima)

Presentation information

Poster Presentation

(D) Health Sciences

[28P01] 衛生化学・公衆衛生学①

Sun. Mar 28, 2021 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM [Room P01] Poster Presentation (Online)

[28P01-197] The effect of Prunus perusica derived from Chinese plants on defecation

○Fu-Shih Chen1, Yudai Oikawa1, Umon Agata1, Shuji Matsunaga1, Po-Hsiu Lin2, Wen-Tseng Chu2, Takeo Nakamura3, Shigeharu Tanei1 (1. Facul. Pharma. Sci., Nihon Pharma. Univ., 2. Grad. Inst. Sport, Leisure, Hospitality Manag.,National Normal Univ., 3. Facul. Pharma. Sci., Kindai. Univ.)

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