The 142nd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Nagoya)

Session information


[S28] Recent topics on transdermal formulations

Sun. Mar 27, 2022 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM [Room K] Conference Room 224 (Bldg. 2: 2F)

Organizer: Tomonobu Uchino (Univ. of Shizuoka), Osamu Sakata (KOSE Corp. R&D Labs.), Kaname Hashizaki (Sch. Pharm., Nihon Univ.)

Recently, topical formulations have been widely used in the fields of pharmaceuticals, quasi-drugs, and cosmetics. In various cases, the drug contained in the topical formulation permeates into the skin from the stratum corneum after application and exerts a medicinal effect locally, whereas in other cases, the drug enters the bloodstream and exerts a systemic effect. In either case, it is important to appropriately evaluate and predict the drug concentration in the skin. However, information about drug evaluation methods to be used in clinical practice is little and the role of the pharmacist is unclear.
Therefore, we would like to summarize the discussions on the above from each lecture, enumerate recent topics on topical skin preparations, and then hold a comprehensive discussion in this symposium.

オーガナイザー挨拶、シンポジウム趣旨説明:内野 智信(静岡県大薬) (1:30 PM - 1:35 PM)

総合討論 (3:10 PM - 3:30 PM)




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