The 142nd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Nagoya)

Session information

International Symposium

[IS04] Special Lectures by DPhG Representatives

Sun. Mar 27, 2022 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM [Room P] International Conference Rooms (Bldg. 3: 3F)

Organizer: Yoshio Hayashi (Sch. Pharm., Tokyo Univ. Pharm. & Life Sci.)

The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ) and Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft e.V. (DPhG) concluded an academic exchange agreement in 2000, based on which mutual visit to annual meetings of both societies has been done. 2022 is the year for PSJ to invite the representatives of DPhG. Prof. Dagmar Fischer Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Prof. Michaela Schulz-Siegmund (Universität Leipzig) will give their special lectures.

Opening remarks: 佐々木 茂貴(日本薬学会会頭,長崎国際大薬) (5:30 PM - 5:32 PM)

Introduction 1
講演者紹介(座長):佐々木 均(長崎大学名誉教授) (5:32 PM - 5:34 PM)

Introduction 2
講演者紹介(座長):大塚 誠(武蔵野大学名誉教授) (6:01 PM - 6:03 PM)



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