イントロダクション:伊藤 慎悟(熊本大院薬) (9:30 AM - 9:35 AM)
Session information
[S24] Find a way to get into the brain for breakthrough innovations in CNS drug development
Sun. Mar 27, 2022 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM [Room Q] Shirotori Hall (North) (Bldg. 4: 1F)
Organizer: Tomomi Furihata (Sch. Pharm., Tokyo Univ. Pharm. & Life Sci.), Shingo Ito (Fac. Life Sci. Kumamoto Univ.)
The blood-brain barrier (BBB), which is primarily formed by brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC), strictly prevents entry of a variety of drugs into the brain from the systemic circulation, and therefore it has long been an obstacle to drug development for central nervous system (CNS) diseases. On the other hand, a new route to brain parenchyma bypassing the BBB has recently been discovered and gained considerable attention regarding its involvement in CNS diseases. With this background in mind, this symposium will summarize cutting-edge BBB and related research as follows: effects of insulin signaling on BBB functions (Dr. Ito, Kumamoto Univ), development of multicellular-spheroidal human BBB models as a promising research tool for CNS drug development (Dr. Morio, TUPLS), development of an antibody-guided BBB penetrating iduronate-2-sulfatase for treatment of Hunter syndrome (Dr. Fukatsu, JCR Pharma), development of cyclodextrin derivatives as therapeutic tools for Alzheimer's disease (Dr. Motoyama, Kumamoto Univ), and roles of the brain lymphatic system in health and disease (Dr. Izuo, Toyama Univ). We hope this symposium will provide a unique opportunity for academic and industry researchers to share and discuss the current status of the new findings, as well as their perspectives and challenges, aiming at moving forward into a new era of CNS drug development.
9:35 AM - 9:57 AM
○Shingo Ito1 (1. Fac. Life Sci. Kumamoto Univ.)
9:57 AM - 10:19 AM
○Keiichi Motoyama1 (1. Fac. Life Sci. Kumamoto Univ.)
10:19 AM - 10:41 AM
○Naotaka Izuo1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Univ. Toyama)
10:41 AM - 11:03 AM
○Hanae Morio1, Keita Kitamura1,2, Ayaka Okamoto1, Ryo Ito3, Naomi Wakayama4, Yoshiyuki Yamaura3, Takafumi Komori4, Tomomi Furihata1 (1. Sch. Pharm., Tokyo Univ. Pharm. & Life Sci., 2. Grad. Sch. Pharmaceut. Sci, Chiba Univ., 3. Ono Pharm. Co., Ltd., 4. Eisai Co. Ltd.)
11:03 AM - 11:25 AM
○Tomoki Fukatsu1, Takafumi Minamimoto2, Eiji Yoden1, Masafumi Kinoshita1, Chie Seki2, Yuji Nagai2, Hideto Morimoto1, Atsushi Imakiire1, Aya Sugyo2, Hisashi Suzuki2, Eiji Yoshida2, Hiroyuki Sonoda1 (1. JCR, 2. QST-iQMS)
総合討論:降幡 知巳(東京薬大薬) (11:25 AM - 11:30 AM)