オーガナイザー挨拶:木村 朋紀(摂南大理工) (1:30 PM - 1:35 PM)
Session information
[S49] Progress in elucidating the mechanism of toxicity caused by environmental pollutants
Mon. Mar 28, 2022 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM [Room Q] Shirotori Hall (North) (Bldg. 4: 1F)
Organizer: Tomoki Kimura (Fac. Sci. Engr., Setsunan Univ.), Maki Tokumoto (Sch. Pharm., Aichi Gakuin Univ.)
Cadmium, arsenic, and dioxins are widespread environmental pollutants and have caused health concerns for many years. Various studies have been conducted to elucidate the toxicological mechanism of these pollutants. However, even with advances in science and technology, the mechanism has not yet been elucidated. To elucidate this issue, studies have been conducted using various approaches such as analysis in long-term exposed mice, in vivo imaging of reporter mice, omics analysis, and analysis of epigenetic changes by reduced representation bisulfite sequencing and small RNA seq analysis. Although gradually, the toxicological mechanisms of these environmental pollutants on the target tissues and the next generation are elucidated.
At this symposium, four researchers working to elucidate the mechanism of environmental pollutants will give lectures on the latest research results to deepen discussions on these pollutants' effects on human health.
1:35 PM - 2:02 PM
○Maki Tokumoto1, Jin-Yong Lee1, Masahiko Satoh1 (1. Sch. Pharm., Aichi Gakuin Univ.)
2:02 PM - 2:30 PM
○Kazuyuki Okamura1, Takehiro Suzuki1, Keiko Nohara1 (1. NIES)
2:30 PM - 2:57 PM
○Keishi Ishida1, Tsuyoshi Nakanishi1 (1. Gifu Pharm. Univ.)
2:57 PM - 3:25 PM
○Yuji Ishii1, Tomoki Takeda1,2 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyushu Univ., 2. Japan Bioassay Res. Center)
まとめ:徳本 真紀(愛知学院大薬) (3:25 PM - 3:30 PM)