2:42 PM - 2:54 PM
○Kohei Yamada1, Kotaro Kikushima1, Kita Yasuyuki2, Dohi Toshifumi1,2 (1. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2. Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University)
Oral Presentation
(A) Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Mon. Mar 28, 2022 2:42 PM - 3:42 PM [Room T] Conference Room 432 (Bldg. 4: 3F)
Chair: Kenji Sugimoto
2:42 PM - 2:54 PM
○Kohei Yamada1, Kotaro Kikushima1, Kita Yasuyuki2, Dohi Toshifumi1,2 (1. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2. Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University)
2:54 PM - 3:06 PM
○Taeho BAE1, Aki MORITA1, Elghareeb Elshahat ELBORAY1, Kotaro KIKUSHIMA1, Yasuyuki KITA2, Toshihumi DOHI1,2 (1. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, 2. Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University)
3:06 PM - 3:18 PM
○Tomohiro Kikuchi1, Keiji Yamada1, Takeshi Yasui1, Yoshihiko Yamamoto1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Nagoya Univ.)
3:18 PM - 3:30 PM
○Tetsu Tsubogo1, Fumiya Okamura2, Hiromi Uchiro2 (1. Fac. Pharm. Sci., Health Sciences Univ. of Hokkaido, 2. Fac. Pharm. Sci., Tokyo Univ. of Science)
3:30 PM - 3:42 PM
○Yipu Lu1, Akitomo Kasahara1, Tomohiro Fujino1, Yuko Otani1, Tomohiko Ohwada1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo)
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