SNW2023 in 2023 Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits


Oral Session

2D Materials & Devices

[9] Application of 2D material

2023年6月12日(月) 13:10 〜 14:40 Shunjyu I (Shunjyu I)

Chair:Daniel Moraru(Shizuoka, Univ.)

13:40 〜 14:00

[9-02] Novel MoS2 Dual-Gate FET with a Highly Scaled EOT of ~2.4 nm High-k Gate Dielectric Layer for Reconfigurable Logic Gate and High-Precision Analog Synapse

*Lingqi Li1, Haofei Zheng1, Heng Xiang1, Yu-Chieh Chien1, Kah-Wee Ang1,2 (1. Department of Electrical and Computer Eng., National Univ. of Singapore (Singapore), 2. Inst. of Materials Res. and Eng., A*STAR (Singapore))

