SSDM2022 will be held in in-person style at the Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall for the first time in three years since SSDM2019. In consideration of the influence of COVID-19, SSDM2022 will be held in a hybrid format including online presentations. The Steering Committee has made great efforts to organize the conference in a new, functional, and safe format that will allow for active paper presentation, discussion, and interaction among participants under the current difficult circumstances.
This year, 468 abstracts were submitted from 14 countries around the world. This is a good result, the highest number in SSDM since the COVID-19 problem occurred. Actually, we were able to adopt many high-quality papers as usual.
2 Short Courses will be given on September 26, focusing on “Scaling and monolithic vs. heterogeneous integration for advanced, future technology nodes”, organized by Anabela Veloso from imec and Masaharu Kobayashi from the Univ. Tokyo, and “Recent advances in ultra‐wide‐bandgap semiconductors”, organized by Jun Suda from Nagoya Univ. The valuable technical knowledge and ideas on these topics will be provided by industrial and academic global leaders.
On September 27, the technical session starts from the first Plenary presentations. Also, the second Plenary session is held in the afternoon of September 28. We will have 4 excellent plenary talks by the following distinguished speakers; “What's Next in Computing: When classical and quantum computing meet” by Mukesh V. Khare from IBM Research, “Booming Intelligent Semiconductors for Post‐Moore Era” by Ru Huang from Peking University, “GaN‐on‐Si technology for mm‐wave wireless communication” by Nadine Collaert from imec, “The Wave of Decarbonized Management Coming to the Semiconductor Industry” by Michitaka Tokeiji from Zeroboard Inc.
The regular sessions will start immediately after the first Plenary Session in 12 research areas. They consist of 54 invited papers, 348 contributed papers, including 22 LN papers. All presentations, whether on-site or online, will be LIVE oral presentations. An invited talk consists of 25-min LIVE presentation and 5-min Q&A, while a regular talk is a combination of 10-min LIVE presentation and 5-min Q&A.
The SSDM is officially sponsored by The Japan Society of Applied Physics. We also express our sincere gratitude to many corporations and foundations for their financial support.
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the contributors sharing their latest research results and ideas to make SSDM2022 so stimulating and exciting. Semiconductors and any other materials for electronic and photonic devices are an important foundation to support the digital society such as 5G, Big Data, AI, IoT, automated driving, robotics, smart cities, DX, medical science, etc. From this point of view, I strongly believe that SSDM plays an important role in our society, by promoting steady progress of “Solid State Devices and Materials”, which are vital for high-quality human life and security.
I hope you enjoy the exciting program and stimulating discussions during the conference, and that the SSDM2023, chaired by Prof. S. Miyazaki, will be held in in-person style (Nagoya Congress Center).
September 2022
Shinichi Takagi
Chair, Organizing Committee, SSDM2022
Shinichi Takagi
Chair, Organizing Committee, SSDM2022