17:15 〜 17:30
[B-3-04] GeSn nanodots crystal nuclei for solid phase crystallization of poly-SiGeSn
Presentation style: Online
Solid phase crystallization of polycrystalline Si1-x-yGexSny using Ge1-xSnx nanodots (Ge1-xSnx-ND) as crystal nuclei was examined. The effects of the substrate temperature and the initial Ge/Sn composition on the dot size, coverage, and substitutional Sn composition in the Ge1-xSnx-ND were investigated. Lowering deposition temperature increased the substitutional Sn composition in Ge1-xSnx-ND. Crystallization of Si deposited on the Ge1-xSnx-ND was confirmed at the deposition tempera-ture of 150 °C. The Si and Sn composition in the poly-Si1-x-yGexSny layer was 36.3% and 4.2% after an-nealing at 225 °C.
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