2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

11: Advanced Materials: Synthesis / Crystal Growth / Characterization

[B-6] Advanced materials, Nanofabrication, and Thin Films II

Wed. Sep 28, 2022 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM 102 (1F)

Session Chair: Yu-Lun Chueh (National Tsing-Hua Univ.), Akihiko Kikuchi (Sophia Univ.)

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM

[B-6-01] Correlation between Dipole Layer Formation and Surface Terminating Crystal Face in Perovskite Oxide Epitaxial Stacks Clarified by Lateral Force Microscopy

〇Atsushi Tamura1, Koji Kita1,2 (1. Dept. of Materials Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan), 2. Dept. of Advanced Materials Science, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan))

Presentation style: On-site (in-person)


Dipole layer formation in perovskite epitaxial stacks is considered to be affected by the stacking sequence of monatomic layers of polar oxide (LaAlO3 (LAO)). It was found that the magnitude of dipoles in LAO/SRO(SrRuO3) stacks were significantly different only by inserting a few monolayers of SrAlOx (SAO) between LAO and SRO. The statistical analysis of lateral force microscopy (LFM) images on LAO clarified a difference in dominant sur-face terminating crystal faces. These results support the correlation between the interfacial dipole layer for-mation and the stacking sequence of monatomic layers of LAO.

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