2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials

Presentation information

Oral Presentation

06: Photovoltaic / Energy Harvesting / Battery-related Technology

[C-2] Inorganic Semiconductor Materials & Applications

Tue. Sep 27, 2022 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM 103 (1F)

Session Chair: Kazuhiro Gotoh (Nagoya Univ.), Shogo Ishizuka (AIST)

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

[C-2-03] Study on The Coated Solar Cells using Chemically Synthesized SnSe Nanosheets

〇Hayato Sato1, Yuto Nunomura1, Kohki Mukai1 (1. Yokohama National Univ. (Japan))

Presentation style: Online


Solar cells that use chemically synthesized SnSe nanosheets as the light absorption layer were investigated. SnSe nanosheets are expected as a material for tandem solar cells that can be produced by the coating method. A power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 1.07% was obtained using a light absorption layer in which SnSe nanosheets and PEDOT: PSS were mixed at a volume ratio of 1: 75. The PCE is the highest ever for a similar solar cell obtained using chemically synthesized SnSe nanosheets.

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