2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials


Oral Presentation

07: Organic / Molecular / Bio-electronics

[D-1] Micro/Nano Technologies for Biosensing and Interfaces

2022年9月27日(火) 11:30 〜 12:30 104 (1F)

Session Chair: Takashi Tokuda (Tokyo Tech), Cheng-Hsien Liu (National Tsing Hua Univ.)

12:00 〜 12:15

[D-1-03] Design and Evaluation of Light and Dark Adaptation Functions for High QoL Artificial Vision Chip

〇Kohei Nakamura1, Yaogan Liang1, Bang Du1, Shengwei Wang1, Yuta Aruga1, Bunta Inoue1, Hisashi Kino1, Takafumi Fukushima1, Koji Kiyoyama2, Tetsu Tanaka1 (1. Tohoku Univ. (Japan), 2. Nagasaki Inst. of Applied Sci. (Japan))

Presentation style: Online


To cope with the increasing number of visually impaired people due to the aging of the population, research on artificial vision, which reconstructs vision using engineering methods, is being actively conducted. To realize the artificial vision with high QOL, it is important to implement the Light and Dark Adaptation (LDA) function, one of the human retinal functions. Although several methods to implement the LDA function have been proposed using electronic circuits, some issues remain regarding function accuracy and circuit area. This study developed an integrated circuit for artificial vision that realizes a small-area appropriate LDA function with high accuracy by introducing a feedback function that changes the sensitivity control signal in steps.

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