2022 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials


Oral Presentation

07: Organic / Molecular / Bio-electronics

[D-3] Advanced Technologies for Bio- and Chemical Sensing

2022年9月27日(火) 16:15 〜 18:00 104 (1F)

Session Chair: Nicolas Clement (Univ. of Tokyo), Toshihiro Shimada (Hokkaido Univ.)

16:15 〜 16:45

[D-3-01 (Invited)] 3D nanoelectrode arrays for high resolution neuronal recording at the single cell level

〇Guilhem Larrieu1,2, Luca Bettamin1, Ines Muguet1, Fabrice Mathieu1, Tatsuya Osaki 2, Joel Hernandez 2, Charline Blatche1, Maelle Gilotin1, Laurent Mazenq1, Frank Bardie1, Elsa Suberbielle 3, Yoshiho Ikeuchi2, Daniel Dunia 3 (1. LAAS-CNRS (France), 2. IIS, Univ. of Tokyo (Japan), 3. Infinity (France))

Presentation style: On-site (in-person)


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