12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
[P-26] Local production for local protection (Chisan Chibo) – Proposing a standardized local-level bosaioperations from Tohoku
Keywords:standardized local-level , operation on bosai operations
By following the oral session as same topics, the idea/pla/suggesion will be introduced to discuss on a standardized local-level bosai iin this poster session. the Local operations are critical to reducing disaster risk. With this understanding, Japan has developed various strategies, policies, and instruments for disaster management operations. One of the recent examples, after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, is the System on Community Disaster Management Plan (Chiku Bousai Keikaku Seido) approved for implementation in 2014. It urges local communities to make their bosai plan to prepare their actions during the time of disasters. Meanwhile, the 2015 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction internationally shares the goal of reducing risk and adapting climate change by increasing the number of nations taking actions towards disaster risk reduction. Sharing a standardized operation on bosai operations for the interested states are an important step forward.