The 74th Annual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society


Oral Presentations

Date: March 13th (Wednesday) morning & afternoon and March 15th (Friday) morning

Venue: Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture Main Bldg and Maskawa Building for Education and Research (North Campus

Poster Presentations

Date and time (poster display period): March 14th (Thursday) morning
The presentation section will be divided into two groups and will be held in two rotations, the first half and the second half.

Venue: Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall (Main Campus


Click here to register for participation and submit your abstract. (from noon on December 1st)

Presentation abstract format:


Notes Regarding Recording of Presentations During the Conference

Recording, as well as taking photographs or videos of both oral and poster presentations, is generally prohibited. However, exceptions can be made with the presenter's permission.