


一般セッション » S09. 地震活動とその物理

[S09] AM-1

2022年10月24日(月) 09:30 〜 10:30 B会場 (4階(大会議室))

座長:熊澤 貴雄(統計数理研究所)、楠城 一嘉(静岡県立大学)

09:30 〜 09:45

[S09-01] The research and application of the spherical space-time ETAS model

*熊 子瑶1、庄 建倉1 (1. 統計数理研究所)

The spherical space-time ETAS model is modified from the widely used planar space-time ETAS model (Zhuang et al., 2002; Zhuang, 2012). Different from the traditional space-time ETAS model is only suitable for studying within a small space range; the new version is applicable to analyze and forecast seismicity in high latitude regions or on a global scale. Apply the global CMT catalog to the new model, showing that the model can reasonably simulate the global seismicity variation. And the model supports better modeling of seismic activities and interactions in global regions. Moreover, we calculate the seismicity rates of the seismicity belt in the global area to further analyze the characteristics of earthquake sequences.