International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

377件中(241 - 250)

[PRJ2-4L] High-Speed RGB+IR Projector Based on Coaxial Optical Design with Two Digital Mirror Devices

Uwe Lippmann2、Petra Aswendt3、Roland Höfling3、Kiwamu Sumino4、Kunihiro Ueda4、Yoshihide Ono4、Hidenori Kasebe4、Tohru Yamashita4、Takeshi Yuasa4、*Yoshihiro Watanabe1 (1.Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)、2.Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Germany)、3.ViALUX GmbH (Germany)、4.Tokyo Electron Device Limited (Japan))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 28 (IDW '21) |PDF ダウンロード

[PRJ2-4L] High-Speed RGB+IR Projector Based on Coaxial Optical Design with Two Digital Mirror Devices

Uwe Lippmann2、Petra Aswendt3、Roland Höfling3、Kiwamu Sumino4、Kunihiro Ueda4、Yoshihide Ono4、Hidenori Kasebe4、Tohru Yamashita4、Takeshi Yuasa4、*Yoshihiro Watanabe1 (1.Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan)、2.Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Germany)、3.ViALUX GmbH (Germany)、4.Tokyo Electron Device Limited (Japan))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 28 (IDW '21) |2021年12月2日(木) 11:50 〜 12:10 |PDF ダウンロード

377件中(241 - 250)