The Japanese Biochemical Society

[2P-365] A novel tetravalent peptide suppresses both production and aggregation of Amyloid β.

Waka Sato1,2, Miho Takahashi1, Takuya Murata3, Naoko Tate3, Hina Uchiyama4, Takashi Saito5, Takaomi Saido6, Satoru Funamoto4, Kiyotaka Nishikawa1 (1.Doshisha University, Grad.School of Life and Medical Sciences, Molecular Life Sciences, 2.The University of Tokyo, Grad.School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, , 3.Teikyo University, Faculty of Pharma-Science, Biomolecular Chemistry, 4.Doshisha University, Grad.School of Life and Medical Sciences, Neuropathology, 5.Nagoya City University, Grad.School of Medical Sciences, Neurocognitive Science, 6.RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Laboratory for Proteolytic Neuroscience)

The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society

[2P-372] Development of a native-PAGE assay monitoring itraconazole-mediated inhibition of N-glycan processing

Saki Kawabata1, Shioi Ryuta2, Yuki Ando2, Kyoko Kojima-Aikawa3, Kenji Ohgane3 (1.Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Division of Advanced Science, Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University, 2.Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, The University of Tokyo, 3.Department of Chemistry, Natural Science Division, Faculty of Core Research, Ochanomizu University)

The 95th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society