Japan Association for Medical Informatics

[2-K-3-3] 医用画像を入力としたDeep-Learningよる放射線画像診断レポート自動生成の検討

松本 宏1, 宇宿 功市郎2,1 (1.熊本大学大学院医学教育部医療情報医学分野, 2.熊本大学医学部附属病院医療情報経営企画部)

In the rapid advancement in informatics, there is a study of generating a caption for an input image. In this study, we investigate the applicability of such method to auto-generate a radiological diagnosis report in Japanese from a medical image. We built a deep-learning report-generating model, consisting of convolutional layers and recurrent layers. For dataset, 5,000 reports previously diagnosed from 2015 through 2018, embedded with key-images are collected. In the collection, pairs of diagnosis statements and first key-image are acquired for training and validation test-set. After running 50 epochs of training, loss and convergence indicator has stayed around 0.46. With variation in diagnosis statement size and vocabulary size the loss has not changed. From our results, it is clear that the training has not converged with 5,000 reports.