The Japan Society of Applied Physics

2:40 PM - 3:00 PM

[D-1-04] OxRAM integration above FDSOI transistor drain: Integration approach and process impact on electrical characteristics

M. Barlas1, L. Grenouillet1, E. Vianello1, V. Delaye1, T. Dewolf1, G. Audoit1, N. Rambal1, S. Bernasconi1, C. Vizioz1, N. Posseme1, S. Barnola1, B. Bouix1, O. Pollet1, C. Comboroure2, N. Allouti1, P. Rodriguez1, V. Beugin1, V. Loup1, C. Tallaron2, S. Chevalliez2, R. Coquand1, C. Jahan1, S. Reboh1, A. Toffoli1, S. Barraud1, L. Brevard1, Y. Morand1, M. Vinet1, O. Faynot1, L. Perniola1 (1.CEA-LETI (France), 2.STMicroelectronics (France))