The Japan Society of Applied Physics

415件中(141 - 150)

[E-1-01] Power Scaling in Photonic Crystal Surface Emitting Laser Arrays

〇Ben Christopher King1, Katherine J Rae1, Adam F McKenzie1,2, Aleksandr Boldin1, Daehyun Kim1, Neil D Gerrard1, Guangrui Li1, Kenichi Nishi3, Keizo Takemasa3, Mitsuru Sugawara3, Richard J. E. Taylor1, David T. D. Childs1, Richard A Hogg1 (1. University of Glasgow(UK), 2. CST Global Limited(UK), 3. QD Laser Inc.(Japan))

2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |2020年9月28日(月) 14:00 〜 14:15 |PDF ダウンロード

415件中(141 - 150)