


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学 » 202-3 中性子源・中性子工学

[1G01-07] 中性子源,中性子利用

2018年3月26日(月) 10:00 〜 11:55 G会場 (U2棟 U2-212)

座長:伊藤 主税 (JAEA)

11:15 〜 11:30

[1G06] Feasibility Study Experiment of On-Site Nuclear Material Analysis in Fukushima Fuel Debris by Portable Neutron/X-ray Source

*Yudhitya Kusumawati1, Yuki Mitsuya1, Mitsuru Uesaka1 (1. The University of Tokyo)

キーワード:Neutron source, Neutron resonance, Nuclear debris, Time of flight, Transmission

On-site preliminary screening activity of nuclear debris needs to be performed before its further analysis. By using the compact and mobile pulsed neutron source constructed from 3.95 MeV X-Band electron linac coupled with Tungsten and Beryllium, on-site neutron Time of Flight measurement can be performed to identify the nuclear debris isotope contents through observation of neutron resonance.