


V. 核融合工学 » 501-2 核融合炉材料工学(炉材料,ブランケット,照射挙動)

[2C14-18] 炉材料,水素同位体挙動,照射挙動,ベリリウム化合物

2018年3月27日(火) 16:40 〜 18:00 C会場 (R1棟 R1-211)

座長:波多野 雄治 (富山大)

17:25 〜 17:40

[2C17] Status of R&D of advanced neutron multiplier in ITER-BA activity

(26)Properties of Be12V pebbles produced by application of different rotation speeds using REM

*Petr Kurinskiy1, Jae-Hwan Kim1, Suguru Nakano1, Yoshiaki Akatsu1, Masaru Nakamichi1 (1. QST, Rokkasho Fusion Institute, Department of Blanket Systems Research, Breeding Functional Materials Development Group)

キーワード:neutron multiplier, beryllide, granulation

Beryllium intermetallic compounds (beryllides) are considered to be the most promising materials for the use as neutron multipliers with advanced characteristics in Japan and the EU in the DEMO R&D. In this study, granulation yield properties and characterization of Be12V pebbles produced by different rotation speeds using REM (rotating electrode method) are presented and discussed.