


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学および医学利用 » 202-2 放射線物理,放射線計測

[3B10-14] 光子計測技術3

2022年3月18日(金) 14:45 〜 16:10 B会場

座長:瀬川 麻里子 (JAEA)

15:15 〜 15:30

[3B12] Characterization of Time of Flight Compton Camera for Radiation monitoring

*Agus Nur Rachman1, Kenji Shimazoe1, Hiroyuki Takahashi1, Hideki Tomita2, Eiji Takada4, Yusuke Tamura3, Jun Kawarabayashi5, Kosuke Tanabe6 (1. The University of Tokyo , 2. Nagoya University , 3. Tohoku University , 4. National Institute of Technology, Toyama College, 5. Tokyo City University , 6. National Research Institute of Police Science)

キーワード:Radiation measurement, Compton imaging, Time of flight, Time resolution

Time-Of-Flight (TOF) is widely used in areas such as Positron Emission Tomography (PET). This technique can also be applied to other imaging systems such as Compton imaging. TOF information helps to determine the interaction order on the detector. This information can improve the image quality from Compton imaging. In this study, we build the TOF Compton detector using GFAG Crystal and a high time resolution front-end electronic circuit. In the TOF-PET system, we have achieved a 400 ps time resolution. We expect the TOF technique can be applied in the Compton camera.