
Morning Seminar

[MS6] Morning Seminar 6: Functional Neuroimaging

2017年5月13日(土) 07:30 〜 08:20 Room B (1F Argos C)

Chair: Jun Tohyama (Nishi-Niigata Chuo National Hospital)

[MS6-3B-1] Functional neuroimaging including advanced MRI techniques to evaluate neuronal abnormality for pediatric patients

Masafumi Harada (Department of Radiology, Tokushima University, Japan)

The representative techniques for functional neuroimaging are several tracer imaging using radioisotope such as positron emission tomography, and functional imaging using advanced MRI techniques such as functional MRI and MR spectroscopy (MRS). MRS is a unique and attractive technique, and offers many kinds of biological parameters reflecting concentration and relaxation time of metabolites. To increase the possibility of MRS, MEGA-editing sequence was applied to several clinical patients, and the changes of GABA concentration in West syndrome and autistic patient etc has been reported. The evaluation of GABA receptor can be evaluated by I-123 iomazenil single photon emission tomography (SPECT). We showed the abnormal correlation between GABA receptor observed by I-123 iomazenil SPECT and GABA pool concentration measured by MEGA-editing MRS in the brain of autistic patients. Recently resting functional MRI shows resting networks in the brain and abnormality of such networks in several functional diseases including autistic patients.
My presentation will show that the recent technical development can offer variable interesting information for biochemical metabolites and functional alteration in pediatric neuronal disorders. On the other hand, the evaluation of the robustness and reproducibility of these techniques should be assessed to expand clinical application of these techniques to the routine examination.