
Poster Presentation

[P2-136~192] Poster Presentation 2

2017年5月12日(金) 10:00 〜 15:40 Poster Room B (1F Argos F)

[P2-151] Retrospective analysis of neonatal rotavirus enteritis in the intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in China between 2013 and 2015

Ge Zheng (Department of Paediatrics, Third Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China)

Objective To analyze retrospectively the clinical and epidemiological features of neonatal rotavirus enteritis in hospital,and to evaluate the preventive and control measures. Methods 132 neonatal rotavirus enteritis were collected from 5450 inpatients in our hospital from january 2013 to December 2015. Rotavirus were detected by ELISA,Further strain characterization of rotavirus were carried out with RT-PCR. The study on the difference in main clinical symptoms of neonatal rotavirus enteritis between nosocomial infections and community acquired infections. Result Atotal of 5450 infants were evaluated for rotaviruses and 132 infants were included in this study. The most cases(117) come from the nosocomial infections. The positive rate is 88.6%. A peak admission of rotavirus was observed from october through next march. The most common significant clinical sign of neonatal rotavirus enteritis was frequent stooling,dehydration,vomit and fever. The rare sign of bloody diarrhea,necrotizing enterocolitis(NEC)were associated with rotavirus enteritis in preterm.The most common rotavirus strain was G3P8(54.3%),followed by G1P8(22.9%). Conclusion Rotavirus diarrhea was an important infectious disease among neonatal intensive care unit.In the peak season of developing rotavirus enteritis ,in addition to the isolation of the infected neonates and detection of stool rotavirus,environmental disinfection should be strengthened to prevent the transmission of rotavirus infection among community. Safe and effective rotavirus vaccines for the prevention of rotavirus diarrhea and reduction of treatment costs are of significant importance.