
Poster Presentation

[P2-1~135] Poster Presentation 2

2017年5月12日(金) 10:00 〜 15:40 Poster Room A (1F Navis A・B・C)

[P2-75] Is the myclonus belonging to JME or frontal lobe epilepsy?

Xinyue Zhang (Department of Neuroolgy, the First hospital of Jilin university, Changchun, China)

[Objectice] Through analyzing the clinical and EEG characteristics of a 15 years old girl, discuss the identification between juvenile myoclonic epilepsy(JME) and frontal lobe epilepsy(FLE), and improve the clinical diagnosis. [Methods] A retrospective analysis and summarize of the clinical data of 1 case of frontal lobe epilepsy with myoclonic recently diagnosised in our hospital. [Results] The female patient, 15 years old, the symptoms of chills or jitter has appeared at 6. After 14 years old, the number of attack times has increased obviously,(about 3-4 times / day), and happened 3 times GTCS in two months.His uncle had a similar history. 24h vEEG shows: A large number of high amplitude slow waves in the frontal midline , sleep phase increased significantly. Monitoring to several clinical episodes, start with a number of times to laugh in sleep body twisting, corresponding EEG shows low amplitude fast activity in the frontal area - frontal midline, frequency slow down, evolve into spike slow wave or sharp slow wave, including θ wave after 1 minutes, the voltage is reduced and the background is restored. The symptoms has relieved after the drug treatment(OXC). [Conclusion] The FLE with myoclonic and JME are similar clinical symptoms, not easily identified, 24h vEEG is an important means of identification.