Eleventh International Conference of Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications (IFSA2019)



3件中 (1 - 3)

  • Opening ceremony
  • | Ceremony

2019年9月23日(月) 08:30 〜 08:50 Room A [Large Assembly Room] (Osaka City Central Public Hall)

  • Teller Medal & Fabre Prize ceremony
  • | Ceremony

2019年9月26日(木) 08:30 〜 08:40 Room A [Large Assembly Room] (Osaka City Central Public Hall)

Session Chairs: Richard Town & Dimitri Batani

  • Closing ceremony
  • | Ceremony

2019年9月27日(金) 15:10 〜 15:30 Room A [Large Assembly Room] (Osaka City Central Public Hall)