


R7:岩石・鉱物・鉱床 (資源地質学会 との共催 セッション)

2022年9月17日(土) 09:30 〜 17:30 B256 (総合教育研究棟 B棟2F)

09:30 〜 17:30

[R7P-12] Petrology of ultramafic rocks in the Archean geological belt, southern West Greenland

*森下 知晃1,2、西尾 郁也1,5、Guotana Juan Miguel1,4、田村 明弘1、谷 健一郎3、澤田 輝2、針金 由美子6、Waterton Pedro5、Kristoffer Szilas5 (1. 金沢大学、2. 海洋研究開発機構、3. 国立科学博物館、4. フィリピン大学、5. コペンハーゲン大学、6. 産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター)


Ultramafic rocks are a minor of the Archean geologic belt, but small rock bodies are scattered over a wide area. The Archean ultramafic rocks are however fascinating rocks in the field of earth sciences because they are expected to record mantle information from the Archean age. The fundamental question is whether the Archean ultramafic rocks retain original information about the mantle during the Archean age. We present petrological and mineral characteristics of several ultramafic bodies in the Archean geological belt of southern West Greenland.