


S1/R6 合同セッション:火成作用の物質科学/深成岩・火山岩・サブダクション ファクトリー

2022年9月18日(日) 09:00 〜 12:15 B351 (総合教育研究棟 B棟3F)

座長: 亀井 淳志(島根大学)、川本 竜彦(静岡大学)、浜田 盛久(海洋研究開発機構)、伴 雅雄(山形大学)

12:00 〜 12:15

[S1R6-12] Natural and numerical considerations of water budget of the caldera-forming magmas in Naruko volcano, Northeast Japan


*Alexey Kotov1, Satoshi Okumura1, Kenji Shimizu2, Isoji Miyagi3, Masaoki Uno1, Noriyshi Tsuchiya1 (1. Tohoku Uni, 2. Jamstec, 3. AIST)

キーワード:Caldera eruptions, Water content, Water flux, Rhyolite-MELTS

This study aims to establish the petrological features of the origin of magmas from two caldera eruptions of the Naruko volcano and estimate the volume of H2O accumulated in the magma chamber. Our results explain the PT parameters of the origin of these magmas, as well as mineralogical features. Calculating the magma's water budget makes it clear how much H2O was accumulated in them.