The 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies

Program/Abstracts 【NEW!】

General Schedule

 Day 1:  28th Sep (Sat)
  10:00-16:30 Registration 
    (National Museum of Ethnology, in front of Seminar Rooms, 2nd Floor)
  10:45-12:15 Individual Paper Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4
  12:15-13:30 Lunch Break (75 minutes)
  13:30-15:00 Individual Paper Sessions 5, 6, 7, 8
  15:00-15:15 Break(15 minutes)
  15:15-16:45 Individual Paper Sessions 9, 10, 11, 12
  16:45-16:50 Break(5 minutes)
  16:50-17:50 General Meeting
  18:00-19:30 Banquet 
 Day 2:  29th Sep (Sun)
  10:00-16:30 Registration
     (National Museum of Ethnology, in front of Seminar Rooms, 2nd Floor)
  10:30-12:30 Individual Paper Sessions 13, 14, Panel Sessions 1, 2
  12:30-13:45 Lunch Break (75 minutes)
  13:45-16:15 Plenary Panel 
                       Rethinking “South Asia” Now: Efficacy and Problem
             of the Concept of the “South Asia Region”


At the venue, only the timetable will be distributed.
As for the program and the proceedings,
please download and use them by yourself.

[Uploaded on 27 Sep.]

Timetable     Program


Plenary Panel

13:45-16:15, 29th Sep (Sun), Room A  (Hall)

Rethinking “South Asia” Now: Efficacy and Problem of the Concept of the “South Asia Region”

Organizer:   Minoru Mio (National Museum of Ethnology)

Presenters:  Minoru Mio (National Museum of Ethnology)
                  Reconsidering the Concept of “South Asia” Now:
                              Its Effectiveness and Limitations
                     Michihiro Ogawa (The University of Tokyo)
                   Reconsidering the Regional Concepts of India from a Historical Perspective:
                              With Special Focus on the Period
                               between the Seventeenth and the Nineteenth Century

                     Haruhisa Asada (Nara Women's University)
                      Environment and Society in River Basins in South Asia               

Mari Miyamoto (Keio University)
                        The Himalayan Region as a Frontier

                     Kazuya Nakamizo (Kyoto University)
The Political Concept of South Asia: Its Utility and Future

                     Noboru Yoshioka (National Museum of Ethnology, 
The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Linguistics and South Asia

Commentators:    Aya Ikegame (Kyoto University)
             So Yamane (Osaka University)

General Meeting
16:50 - 17:50, 28th Sep (Sat), Room D (Seminar Room 5)