2024年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第38回)



国際セッション » IS-5 Human interface, education aid

[2Q4-IS-5] Human interface, education aid

2024年5月29日(水) 13:30 〜 15:10 Q会場 (402会議室)

座長:矢田 勝俊(関西大学)

13:30 〜 13:50

[2Q4-IS-5-01] AI-Driven Predictive Analysis to Enhance Operational Efficiency of Sustainable Energy using Intelligent Energy Data Management platform

Vaibhav Geeta Pankaj Mehta1,2,5, 〇Masashi Koda 1, Shoji Satoshi1, Tetsu Iwasaki4, Masakazu Nishimoto 1,3 (1. TAS Design Group, 2. Japan Society of Artificial Intelligence , 3. TAS Holding Group , 4. i GRID Lab, 5. Japan Society of Civil Engineers )

キーワード:AI-Driven, Data Management Platform, Predictive AI, Data Engineering, Intelligent Energy Management

Japan is currently grappling with the energy self-sufficiency challenge, risk of fluctuations and the hikes in electricity costs. This research aims to solve client concerns of scalability of data collection by IoT devices, complex development and operation of predictive AI, and scattered data across systems. In this research the development of the Intelligent Energy Data Management Platform (IDMP) called R.E.A.L., serving as a comprehensive energy management platform that seamlessly integrates with Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure is carried out. By utilizing Amazon Timestream for time-series data and Amazon Sage Maker as the AI platform, the project achieves high scalability and performance thereby enhancing the operational efficiency. The results of this research showcase a stable platform supporting various applications, contributing significantly to i-Grid Solutions' rapid business promotion and overall vision of realizing a world filled with green energy. The successful collaboration highlights the potential for widespread adoption of similar green transformation applications using AI, affirming the platform's effectiveness in revolutionizing the circulation of the sustainable energy landscape which is one of its kind in Japan.

