


12 有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス » 12.6 ナノバイオテクノロジー

[18a-222-1~11] 12.6 ナノバイオテクノロジー

2018年9月18日(火) 09:00 〜 12:00 222 (222)

熊谷 慎也(名城大)、手老 龍吾(豊橋技科大)

09:30 〜 09:45

[18a-222-3] 2ステップ絶縁破壊によるナノポア形成

柳 至1、濱村 浩孝1、赤堀 玲奈1、武田 健一1 (1.日立研開)


For the nanopore sensing of various large molecules, such as probe-labelled DNA and antigen-antibody complexes, the nanopore size has to be customized for each target molecule. The recently developed nanopore fabrication method utilizing dielectric breakdown of a membrane is simple and quite inexpensive, but it is rather unsuitable for the stable fabrication of a single large nanopore due to the risk of generating multiple nanopores. To overcome this bottleneck, we propose a new technique called “two-step breakdown” (TSB). In the first step of TSB, a local conductive thin portion (not a nanopore) is formed in the membrane by dielectric breakdown. In the second step, the created thin portion is penetrated by voltage pulses whose polarity is opposite to the polarity of the voltage used in the first step. By applying TSB to a 20-nm-thick SiN membrane, a single nanopore with a diameter of 21-26 nm could be fabricated with a high yield of 83%.