


13 半導体 » 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

[19p-F202-1~16] 13.2 探索的材料物性・基礎物性

2018年3月19日(月) 13:45 〜 18:15 F202 (61-202)

末益 崇(筑波大)、山口 憲司(量研機構)、原 康祐(山梨大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[19p-F202-5] Transparent Amorphous p-type Semiconductor with High Mobility (~9 cm2/Vs), Cu-Sn-I: Utilization of I 5p orbital as Pseudo Extended s-orbital

〇(D)Taehwan Jun2、Junghwan Kim1、Hideo Hosono1,2 (1.MCES, Tokyo Tech、2.MSL, Tokyo Tech)

キーワード:p-type transparent amorphous semiconductor, Solution-processed thin films

Transparent amorphous semiconductors (TAS) have received much attention owing to their low-temperature process, high transparency, large carrier mobility, and so on. However, TAS reported to date is restricted to only n-type material. Conventional n-type TAS was achieved utilizing the nature of large overlap between spatially spread vacant metal s-orbitals constituting conduction band minimum. Similarly, p-type TAS would be realized if large s-orbitals constitute valence band maximum. However, it is quite difficult to employ cation’s occupied s-orbital in amorphous materials. Therefore, we propose a different material design concept for p-type TAS that large p-orbital plays a role of pseudo extended s-orbital like conventional n-type TAS. Consequently, a very large Hall mobility of ~9cm2V-1s-1 was obtained for the amorphous CuSnI thin film fabricated by solution-process. This work demonstrates a new approach to the p-type TAS with high performance. It is expected that this result will contribute to new p-type TASs and their applications with conventional n-type TAS, e.g. flexible complementary circuits. More details including electrical properties and electronic structures is presented at the meeting.