


6 薄膜・表面 » 6.4 薄膜新材料

[17p-D419-1~15] 6.4 薄膜新材料

2023年3月17日(金) 13:30 〜 17:45 D419 (11号館)

村岡 祐治(岡山大)、清水 亮太(東工大)

17:15 〜 17:30

[17p-D419-14] ReRAM characteristics utilizing pentacene/LaBxNy insulator stacked structure

Li Fenghao1、Eun Ki Hong1、JiaAng Zhao1、Ohmi Shun-ichiro1 (1.Tokyo Inst. of Technology)

キーワード:LaBxNy insulator

Resistive RAM (ReRAM) is one of the emerging nonvolatile memory technologies because it has the advantages of high-density integration, high switching speed, and low power consumption.
We have reported OFET characteristics utilizing pentacene and LaBxNy insulator. In this study, ReRAM characteristics utilizing pentacene/LaBxNy insulator stacked structure was investigated.