Joint Annual Meeting of 51st JSDB and 70th JSCB



[WS08] Workshop 08 Differentiation / Regeneration / Stem cells (1)

2018年6月7日(木) 09:00 〜 11:00 Room C (2F Zuiun)

Chairpersons : Kenta Terai (Kyoto Univ.) / Takeshi Inoue (Gakushuin Univ.)

10:48 〜 11:00

[WS08-10] Coordinated regulation of the dorsal-ventral and anterior-posterior patterning of Xenopus embryos by the BTB/POZ zinc finger protein Zbtb14

Kimiko Takebayashi-Suzuki1, Misa Uchida1, *Atsushi Suzuki1 (1. Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima University)

キーワード:BMP, dorsal–ventral and anterior–posterior patterning, Wnt, Xenopus embryogenesis, Zinc-finger protein

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