


専門領域別 » スポーツ人類学


2023年9月1日(金) 16:00 〜 17:02 RY306 (良心館3階RY306番教室)

座長:真田 久(筑波大学)

16:21 〜 16:41

[12人-口-10] Physical and Health Education from an Indian Perspective

Ancient India, Physical Education, Fitness

*Jagtap Sandeep1 (1. National Association of Physical Education & Sports Science (India))

Physical education plays a key role in the development of a student’s life. It helps in developing students’ confidence, and helps them to take part in a wide range of physical activities that are crucial to their lives both in school and out of school. The importance of physical education programs is to help students to develop a wide range of skills as well as gives them the ability to use tactics, strategies, and newer ideas to perform successfully both at home and school. The ancient Indian times, Mahabharata, Ramayana or even earlier, India was known famous as Wishvaguru. We know that the world famous Takshashila and Nalanda University was there in India. Even during the time of Raja, Maharaj’s, Bal Upasana i.e. body strength and taking care of the body was considered a very important part. Today's youth is addicted to drugs and is going to destroy the body. We have been hearing since long ago that my grandfather, grandmother lived for a 100 years and 120 years. Also in ancient India it is written that people lived for two hundred and three hundred years during the time of kings and gods. Looking at higher education today, sports are played for the country and the nation and there are selected players to play it. But from the Indian point of view, it is very important to keep the society healthy. Every human being living on this earth needs to be healthy and capable. India is also famous as the birthplace of yoga. Hence the knowledge of body and soul and proper methods for the perfection of body and soul can be developed in India. We must remember the heroes that India has given to us who possess not only great qualities of courage and valor but also rage of physical strength and excellence. The research articles have tried to present the importance of sports and physical education from the Indian point of view.