オーガナイザー挨拶:外山 喬士(東北大院薬) (4:00 PM - 4:10 PM)
Session information
[S29] Supersulfides in environmental toxicology and hygiene
Sun. Mar 26, 2023 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM [Room HS1] (1F)
Organizer: Takashi Toyama, Kazuhiro Nishiyama
Intrinsically produced supersulfur molecules (supersulfides), in which sulfur atoms are continuously bonded, have recently attracted attention for their physiological effects. It has been pointed out that supersulfation of cysteine increases the reactivity of thiol groups and may increase antioxidant activity and reactivity with medicinal toxicants, and may be an important regulatory factor, especially in toxicity and cell death caused by redox imbalance in vivo. Although it is well known that supersulfur is involved in various biological phenomena and pathological phenomena such as inflammation, this symposium will bring together young researchers in redox toxicology, hygienic pharmacology, and dynamics analysis of supersulfur in particular to discuss the significance of supersulfur. We will also present the latest findings on the unique pathways of supersulfur production in vivo. Through this symposium, we hope to renew the existing understanding of the role of transsulfur in toxicology and to deepen our understanding of the potential for new research developments.
4:10 PM - 4:35 PM
○Takashi Toyama1, Runa Kudo1, Yoshiro Saito1 (1. Grad.Sch.Pharm.,Tohoku Univ.)
4:35 PM - 5:00 PM
○Masahiro Akiyama1,2, Jun Uchiyama1, Yoshito Kumagai2, Yun-Gi Kim1 (1. Faculty of Pharmacy, Keio Univ., 2. Faculty of Medicine, Univ. of Tsukuba)
5:00 PM - 5:25 PM
○Mayumi Ikeda1,2, Tatsuya Fukuta1, Yasunori Iwao1, Masaki Otagiri3, Toru Maruyama4, Tatsuhiro Ishida2, Yu Ishima2 (1. Wakayama Medical Univ., 2. Tokushima Univ., 3. Sojo Univ., 4. Kumamoto Univ.)
5:25 PM - 5:50 PM
○Hiroyasu Tsutsuki1, Tianli Zhang1, Kinnosuke Yahiro2, Takaaki Akaike3, Tomohiro Sawa1 (1. Dept. Microbiol., Grad. Sch. Med. Sci., Kumamoto Univ., 2. Dept. Microbiol. Infect. Cont. Sci, Kyoto Pharm. Univ., 3. Dept. Environ. Med. Mol. Toxicol., Tohoku Univ. Grad. Sch. Med.)
総括:西山 和宏(九大院薬) (5:50 PM - 6:00 PM)