The 143rd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Sapporo)

Abstract Submission (Oral/Poster Presentation)

Abstract submission period
October 17 (Mon), 2022 to
Novebmer 18 (Fri), 2022 (14:00pm, JST) 
➡ November 30 (Wed), 2022 (14:00pm, JST)


Web Abstract

Abstracts will be published on the website of the annual meeting on March 3, 2023.
To browse the abstract, a password will be required. This password will be sent via email to your registered e-mail address on March 2, 2023.

Category and Presentation type

1) Category

  • General Sessions (Oral/Poster Presentations) will be held in the following six divisions; (A) Pharmaceutical Chemistry, (B) Pharmaceutical Physics, (C) Pharmaceutical Biology, (D) Pharmaceutical Health Sciences and Environmental Toxicology, (E) Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, and (F) Others. Select one from these six divisions, (A) to (F), and specify the Sub-Division and Item by referring to the "Classification of General Sessions (Oral/Poster Presentations) with Code No. Table".

2) Presentation type

  • You can choose either “Oral presentation” or “Poster presentation” when you submit an abstract.

  • We may require you to change your presentation type as the numbers of oral and poster presentation days are limited.

  • The oral presenter has 9 minutes to talk and 3 minutes for discussion.
  • Poster presentation in Interdisciplinary Session is available only when you apply for oral or poster presentation. If you wish to make a poster presentation in Interdisciplinary Session, please select the theme you wish to present in the "Apply to poster presentation in Interdisciplinary Session" box when you apply. Please note that the Organizing Committee reserves the right to make a selection due to the limited number of presentation spaces.

The following three themes are available for Interdisciplinary Session.

[Theme 1] Receptors involved in pain and itch/Channels/Enzymes (2023/3/26)

[Theme 2] Antibody therapeutics/Immunology (2023/3/27)

[Theme 3] Nucleic acids/DDS/Vaccines (2023/3/28)

The abstract information will be used the same data registered for the general presentations.

3) Eligibility

  • PSJ Membership is required for oral and poster presenters. Please register for the membership for fiscal year 2023 before the abstract submission.
    [Information for membership]
    [Membership Application form]
  • The abstract submission shall be applied and submitted by the actural presenter.

4) Best Student Presentation Award

  • We have a Best Student Presentation Award in the 143rd Annual Meeting. Student member presenters (for both oral and poster) who wish to be considered for this award, please check the appropriate box on the application form.

5) Copyright

  • The copyright of the presentation abstract will belong to the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.

6) Decision for Reviewing and Presentation Style

  • The Organizing Committee’s decision will be sent to you by email at the end of December. Please note that the registration fee will not be refunded even if your presentation is not accepted.

  • Series of sessions will be set up for categories of oral and poster presentations. The schedule and site will be determined after all the presentation are submitted. Please wait for the announcement of the schedule before requesting any information.

How to submit

  • You must complete registration prior to the submission. Please confirm 'Registration' page.
  • The deadline for payment of the registration fee is November 30, 2022. Please note that failure to pay the participation fee by the due date may result in the cancellation of your presentation.

  • New submission, change of registered information, cancellation of presentations are not allowed after the deadline.

Submission Procedure

1) Eligibility

2) Submission Details

  • Affiliations: You can list up to maximum 20 affiliations.

  • Authors: You can list up to maximum 30 authors.

  • Presentation information: Category, Presentation type, Apply to poster presentation in Interdisciplinary Session, Presentation language

  • Title: Consider the limit as 160 characters (with spaces, all in single-byte characters).

  • Abstract: The upper limit of characters should be considered as 1,500 characters (with spaces, all in single byte).

  • Request for serial presentations: If you require serial presentations, indicate the Program No. (C+6 digit code) of each presentation and list them in order.

  • Application for Best Student Presentation Award

  • Inconvenient dates for your presentation: Select the dates/time which you cannot perform your presentation.

  • Remarks: If you have any dates/time blocked above, indicate the reasons here. If there are no reasons or if it is inappropriate (personal circumstances) your request will be denied.
  • ​Press coverage

  • Image file upload: You can upload up to one file, either in JPEG, PNG, or GIF format (upper limit of file size: 10 MB).

3) Abstract PDF

  • Please confirm that your abstract in PDF is organized in 1 page, and has the following information: Title, Presenter information, Abstract and Table/Figure. Please make sure all details are in one page since only the first page will be shown on the actual web abstract list.

4) Category

  • General Sessions (Oral/Poster Presentations) will be held in the following six divisions; (A) Pharmaceutical Chemistry, (B) Pharmaceutical Physics, (C) Pharmaceutical Biology, (D) Pharmaceutical Health Sciences and Environmental Toxicology, (E) Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, and (F) Others. Select one from these six divisions, (A) to (F), and specify the Sub-Division and Item by referring to the "Classification of General Sessions (Oral/Poster Presentations) with Code No. Table".

5) Online Submission

User manual (in Japanese)