オーガナイザー挨拶・趣旨説明:河野 裕允(神戸薬大) (4:00 PM - 4:05 PM)
Session information
[S27] New developments on active targeting DDS research -from basic research to practical application-
Sun. Mar 26, 2023 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM [Room PS1] (1F)
Organizer: Yusuke Kono, Shigetomo Tsujihata
Active targeting drug delivery system (DDS), which is mainly constructed by the conjugation of ligand to drugs or its carriers, has attracted much attention due to worldwide approval of antibody-drug conjugates (ADC). The most famous active targeting DDS is a combination of low molecular weight dugs and antibodies, like ADC. On the other hand, not only antibodies but also sugars, amino acids, and peptide are available as a ligand for active targeting. In addition, as well as low molecular weight dugs, proteins, nucleic acids, and cells are recently used in pharmacotherapeutics. Therefore, a wide variety of active targeting DDS have been developed so far. However, their clinical use is hardly realized.
In this symposium, we have 2 speakers from pharmaceutical companies and 3 speakers from university, and they will introduce us cutting-edge research on practical application and novel concept of active targeting DDS, respectively. Based on these presentations, we would like to discuss the current issues in developing active targeting DDS and future perspectives for its clinical use.
4:05 PM - 4:27 PM
○Yoko Nagai1 (1. Drug Metab & Pharmacokinet Res Lab, Daiichi Sankyo.)
4:27 PM - 4:49 PM
○Hidemasa Katsumi1, Masaki Morishita1, Akira Yamamoto1 (1. Kyoto Pharm Univ.)
4:49 PM - 5:11 PM
○Yuriko Higuchi1 (1. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)
5:11 PM - 5:33 PM
○Yu Ishima1, Toru Maruyama2, Masaki Otagiri3, Tatsuhiro Ishida1 (1. Ins. Biomed. Sci., Tokushima Univ. Grad. Sch., 2. Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Kumamoto Univ., 3. Faculty Pharm. Sci, Sojo Univ.)
5:33 PM - 5:55 PM
○Naozumi Harada1, Nami Mizoguchi1, Ayaka Matsumoto1, Junki Tashiro1, Yasunari Haseda1, Tadashi Inoue1, Takashi Soga1, Daisuke Muraoka2, Akane Yamamichi3, Hideho Okada3, Shin-ichi Sawada4, Kazunari Akiyoshi4 (1. United Immunity., 2. Aichi Cancer Center., 3. University of California, San Francisco., 4. Grad. Sch. Eng., Kyoto Univ.)
総括:辻畑 茂朝(富士フイルム) (5:55 PM - 6:00 PM)