The 10th Asian Crop Science Association Conference


Oral sessions

Field Crop Production » O12: Concepts, Prospects, and Potentiality of Crop Production in East Asia

[O12] Concepts, Prospects, and Potentiality of Crop Production in East Asia

*Sponsored by the Korean Society of Crop Science

2021年9月9日(木) 14:30 〜 16:30 Room 1 (Oral) (Field Crop Production)

Chair: Sang-In Shim (Gyeongsang National University, Korea)
Chair: Takeo Sakaigaichi (Kyushu Okinawa Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Japan)
Chair: Hiroshi Ehara (Nagoya University, Japan)

16:10 〜 16:25

[O12-07] Improvement of Wheat Quality for End-use Quality in Korean Wheat Breeding Program: Glu-B1al and Glu-D1y12.K

○1Seong-Woo Cho1, Chul Soo Park2 (1 Department of Smart Agro-Industry, Gyeongsang National University, Korea, 2 Department of Crop Science and Biotechnology, Jeonbuk National University, Korea)

Wheat glutenin contributes to improve end-use quality, especially quality of bread. The objectives of this study were to identify high molecular weight molecular glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) of Korean wheat landrace and to demonstrate genetic characteristics of Glu-B1al and Glu-D1y12.K as a novel y-type in HMW-GS. 310 wheat accessions and F9 populations, derived from a Keumkang/Chinese Spring cross were used to screen genetic resources for improvement of bread-making quality. It was verified that Korean wheat landrace had Glu-B1al (Bx7OE + By8) among wheat accessions. As a result of RP-HPLC, the proportion of the Bx7 subunit in IT166460 (56.17 ± 0.22%.) was higher than that of CS (34.75 ± 1.03%) and Glenlea (46.25 ± 1.76%). Furthermore, the peak height of IT166460 (~30 mAU) was higher than that of CS (~200 mAU) and Glenlea (~580 mAU). In the F9 population, a novel HMW-GS was found, and this novel HMW-GS showed faster electrophoretic mobility and lower molecular weight than Dy12 HMW-GS. It was designated as Glu-D1y12.K. In the future, it will be important to evaluate the quality of bread made with wheat from the wheat lines from a crossing between IT166460 and elite Korean wheat cultivars and to evaluate the effect of Glu-D1y12.K subunit on the dough rheology and bread-making quality.