2018 Annual Meeting

Session information

Oral presentation

VI. Health Physics and Environmental Science » Health Physics and Environmental Science

[1E08-13] Dosietry 3

Mon. Mar 26, 2018 2:45 PM - 4:20 PM Room E (R1-311 -R1 Building)

Chair: Jun Goto (Niigata Univ.)

3:30 PM - 3:45 PM

*Yutaro Aoki1, Masayuki Umeda1, Glenn Harvel2, Mitsumasa Taguchi3, Naotsugu Nagasawa3, Kyo Kume4, Masanori Hatashita4, Toshiharu Sakura5, Takeyoshi Sunagawa1 (1. Fukui Univ. of Tech., 2. Univ. of Ontario Inst. of Tech., 3. QST(Takasaki), 4. The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center, 5. Nuclear Technology Inc.)

Time reserved for Chair (4:15 PM - 4:20 PM)



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