2018 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

V. Fusion Energy Engineering » 501-2 Fusion Reactor Material Science (Reactor and Blanket Materials, Irradiation Behavior)

[2C14-18] Behaviors of Hydrogen Isotopes in Fusion Materials

Tue. Mar 27, 2018 4:40 PM - 6:00 PM Room C (R1-211 -R1 Building)

Chair: Yuji Hatano (Univ. of Toyama)

4:55 PM - 5:10 PM

[2C15] Damage distribution dependence on hydrogen isotope retention behavior in W

*Moeko Nakata1, Keisuke Azuma2, Akihiro Togari2, Qilai Zhou1, Takeshi Toyama3, Yuji Hatano4, Takumi Chikada2, Yasuhisa Oya2 (1. Faculty of science, Shizuoka Univ., 2. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Shizuoka Univ., 3. IMR, Tohoku Univ., 4. HIRC, Univ. of Toyama.)

Keywords:Tungsten, plasma implantation, heavy ion implantation, Deuterium retention behavior, neutron implantation

To evaluate the deuterium (D) retention behaviors in tungsten with various damage distributions, Fe ions were implanted into tungsten with various damage concentrations. Thereafter, 1.0 keV D2+ implantation and thermal desorption spectroscopy were performed to evaluate the D retention behaviors. The same experiments will be performed on neutron irradiated tungsten and compared with Fe irradiation.