


II. 放射線工学と加速器・ビーム科学 » 202-2 放射線物理,放射線計測

[2H05-09] 放射線検出器

2018年3月27日(火) 10:35 〜 11:55 H会場 (U2棟 U2-213)

座長:谷口 良一 (阪府大)

10:35 〜 10:50

[2H05] sub-mm 8 x 8 SiPMの評価

*鄭 来文1、吉原 有里1、島添 健次1、小山 晃広1、高橋 浩之1 (1. 東京大学)


At present, the resolution of positron emission tomography (PET) is sub-millimeter. Pixel size and parallax error are considered as two of the factors that limit spatial resolution. We plan to apply 500-μm-pitch silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays, which have a recovery time of 8 ns and a gain of 1 × 106, in dual-sided readout to improve the performance of PET system.