2018 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Planning Lecture

Technical division and Network » International Nuclear Information Network

[2O_PL] World Trends in Electric Power Market and Nuclear Power

Tue. Mar 27, 2018 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Room O (M3-212 -M3 Building)

Chair: Masahiro Hamamoto (HGNE)

[2O_PL01] World Trends in Electric Power Market and Nuclear Power

*Yuji Kuroda1 (1. JEPIC)

Deregulation in electricity market has been started in 1990s in Europe and the United States and it was introduced in Japan in April, 2016. The deregulation brought a significant impact on the nuclear power generation sector, which may require huge capital investment, and the construction program of new nuclear power plant become stagnant in the deregulated countries. On the other hand, the construction of new nuclear power plant is active in China, India and so on, hence, it is expected that global capacity of nuclear power is still glowing in future.
Under such circumstances, the current status of electricity market in the world and the status of nuclear power in the deregulated counties are presented as well as the discussion and Q&A on the global status of nuclear power and the future trend of new nuclear construction program.