2018 Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Oral presentation

V. Fusion Energy Engineering » 501-2 Fusion Reactor Material Science (Reactor and Blanket Materials, Irradiation Behavior)

[3C01-04] Blanket and Molten Salt Materials

Wed. Mar 28, 2018 9:30 AM - 10:35 AM Room C (R1-211 -R1 Building)

Chair: Eiji Hoashi (Osaka Univ.)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[3C03] Lithium vaporization behavior of Li8ZrO6 under typical use conditions for tritium breeders of thermonuclear fusion reactors

*Kiyoto Shin-mura1, Shunsuke Honda1, Tsuyoshi Hoshino2, Kazuya Sasaki1 (1. Hirosaki Univ., 2. QST)

Keywords:Li8ZrO6, tritium breeder, lithium vaporization, thermonuclear fusion reactor

For tritium breeders of thermonuclear fusion reactors, high lithium atom density and chemical stability at high temperature are required. Li8ZrO6 has high lithium atom density and great potential as a tritium breeder that maintains a large tritium breeding ratio. However, since Li8ZrO6 is concerned that the decrease of the lithium atom density and the decrease of the physical/chemical characteristics, because it has a high lithium vapor pressure at high temperature. In this study, Li8ZrO6 is kept at the typical temperature and atmosphere (320°C, 0.1% H2/He) of tritium breeder for the thermonuclear fusion reactor, and we investigate the vaporization behavior of lithium species of Li8ZrO6 and thermochemical stability. As a result, the possibility that Li8ZrO6 is stable under the operating condition is shown based on the fact that the lithium vaporization rate is small and its crystal structure is stable.