


III. 核分裂工学 » 301-3 研究炉,中性子応用

[3F15] 核変換

2018年3月28日(水) 16:05 〜 16:25 F会場 (U2棟 U2-211)

座長:竹田 敏 (阪大)

16:05 〜 16:20

[3F15] Neutron transmutation doping of n-type spherical silicon solar cell at high-temperature engineering test reactor

*Hai Quan Ho1, Yuki Honda1, Shimpei Hamamoto1, Toshiaki Ishii1, Etsuo Ishitsuka1 (1. Japan Atomic Energy Agency)

キーワード:HTTR, MVP, NTD, spherical solar cell, high conversion efficiency

This study proposed a new method of neutron transmutation doping silicon (NTD-Si) for producing the n-type spherical solar cell at high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR), in which the Si-particles are irradiated directly instead of the cylinder Si-ingot as in the conventional NTD-Si. By using a ‘screw’, an identical resistivity could be achieved for the Si-particles without a complicated procedure as in the NTD with Si-ingot. Also, the reactivity and neutron flux swing could be kept to a minimum because of the continuous irradiation of the Si-particles.