2020 Fall Meeting

Session information

Oral presentation

I. General Issues » General Issues

[3J01-06] Nuclear Education

Fri. Sep 18, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM Room J (Zoom room 10)

Chair:Shoji Tsuchida

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

*Hiroko Miyuki1,10, Keiichi N Ishihara2,10, Naoki Yamano3,10, Toshiharu Miyakawa4,10, Shigeyuki Haga5,10, Naoki Nomura6,10, Hideki Kanazawa7,10, Nasayuki Harada8,10, Yoshiyuki Kuwana8,10, Kiyohiro Ueda9,10 (1. Workshops and Instructional Strategies in Education, 2. Kyoto Univ., 3. RADONet, 4. Radiation Education Forum, 5. Uchimachi elementary school, 6. Fukui Univ., 7. Tokyo City Univ., 8. Momoyama elem. attached to Kyoto U. of Ed., 9. Otemae Univ., 10. Team EEE)

Time reserved for Chair (11:30 AM - 11:45 AM)



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