3:50 PM - 4:05 PM
[1N11] Measurements of neutron cross sections of 93Nb at J-PARC・MLF・ANNRI and Derivation of resonance parameters
Keywords:Neutron Cross Section, Niobium, Neutron Time of Flight method, J-PARC MLF ANNRI, Resonance Parameter, REFIT
Niobium(Nb) is used as one of material elements of Nuclear Reactor. In order to improve the accuracy of cross sections, measuements of neutron capture and total cross sections of 93Nb were perfomed at ANNRI of MLF in J-PARC via Germanium detecters and Li-glass detectors. The resonance parameters of 93Nb below 400 eV were derived from the measuements results by using resonance analysis code, REFIT.