10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
[3J01] An Effective Approach to Improve Communication Relating to Nuclear Energy and Geological Disposal in Elementary Schools in Japan
(1)Changes in Cognitive Content and Acceptance (Based on Class-on-Demand 2010-2020)
Keywords:Energy Environmental Education, Radiation Education, HLW management, Geological disposal, Elementary Schools, Class-on-demand, Me-You Cafe, Risk Communication
How does the use of energy influence the environment, and our lives?
In order to lead our lives while improving and maintaining global environment, we must learn different types of power generation at the whole life cycle. It is indispensable to promote environmental initiative in practical activities. Team-EEE has delivered class-on-demand regarding “radiation,” “power generation,” “energy and environment,” “HLW management” and “Geological disposal” to more than 9000 elementary children in various parts of Japan.
This paper reports changes in children’s idea of radiation and nuclear energy through the class using me-you café; a discussion method, and acceptance of geological disposal. The data is based on the classes given from July 2010 to January 2020.
In order to lead our lives while improving and maintaining global environment, we must learn different types of power generation at the whole life cycle. It is indispensable to promote environmental initiative in practical activities. Team-EEE has delivered class-on-demand regarding “radiation,” “power generation,” “energy and environment,” “HLW management” and “Geological disposal” to more than 9000 elementary children in various parts of Japan.
This paper reports changes in children’s idea of radiation and nuclear energy through the class using me-you café; a discussion method, and acceptance of geological disposal. The data is based on the classes given from July 2010 to January 2020.